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Mosquito Documentary Filming

Following the success of the release of the ‘Lancaster’ film last year, the question arose, which aircraft could be the third in the trilogy. (‘Spitfire’ having been the first).

The natural choice was the de Haviland Mosquito and attention turned to arranging interviews with veterans. As part of obtaining first-hand testimony we were keen to ensure we could represent the versatility of the Mossie, which came across as the essence to the story of this much-loved aircraft. It is quite remarkable, and stands testament to the ingenuity and skill of the designers and developers, that the Mossie had so many roles: night-fighting; bombing; photo reconnaissance , coastal and anti-shipping ops, intruder sorties, and it’s contribution in the Burma campaigns.

With veteran meetings lined up it was a case of scouring through logbooks and delving deep into the archives to establish an approach to the interviews, and to cross reference the first-hand accounts with the official records. It has been quite a fascinating, remarkable and humbling experience to carry out research for the interviews and be present with Director David Fairhead as he skilfully posed the questions and directed the interviews.

Following are a few pictures taken at the filming with some of the respective veterans, and Director David Fairhead. (Photo credits – Iain Philpott)

Pilot Colin Bell

Navigator Richard Whateley Knight

Navigator Albert Howard

We now have passed double figures in regard interviews ‘in the can’, with more lined up. We have also been fortunate to link up with other Mossie-minded organisations, such as The People’s Mosquito Operation Husky – The People’s Mosquito ( . And we were delighted to have the opportunity to film at the wonderful de Haviland Museum de Havilland Aircraft Museum ( , and gratefully acknowledge the support of their volunteers and staff.

At the de Haviland Museum with navigator Des Curtis and pilot George Dunn

So, with some great interviews already recorded, and a couple more to complete, attention will soon shift to filming the aircraft itself. Watch this space!

Published inDocumentariesGeneral


  1. Cherry Cherry

    Well done, Steve! I’m looking forward to the third of the trilogy. The ‘Spitfire’ and ‘Lancaster’ documentaries were terrific and quite unique in approach. I shall indeed watch this space!

  2. Russell Russell

    I look forward to mosquito as Spitfire and Lancaster were superb. I’ve just sat and watched Lancaster again and it was far better second time around as I felt I could concentrate more on the aircrews story. Seeing the dam busters segment was a fantastic ,vivid telling by Johnny J and the bomber command comments after the raid were brilliantly retold.
    I’ve met you several times over the years and you keep the memory of bomber command in the public eye.
    George Dunn is a great man to talk to and I hope he keeps well enough to regale us at the air shows and events. I hope to see him next month at aces high.

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